Willingness to educate and warn on this 'deadly activity' is progressing. Acknowledgement of the need to do so is saving
lives! There are school administrators, principles, teachers and board members in districts where children
have become victims of this 'game' AFTER the 'powers that be' decided NOT to implement a way
to warn and educate the parents, children and staff of it's existence!
I can only imagine
what they are going through, having the knowledge of this 'game', and choosing not to address it.
am amazed at the boldness and dedication of those that are WARNING and EDUCATING! YES! I am appalled at the lack of common
sense, the bold disregard of the urgency to communticate awareness, in those who choose not to..
Why wait until
it is too late? ... Why?
‘Choking Game’ killing teens
Portsmouth Herald - 1 hour, 37 minutes ago CONCORD - New
Hampshire’s chief medical examiner is working to spread the word about the dangers and prevalence of the
"Choking Game," which is claiming young victims around the country
Mar 17, 2006 7:04 am US/Mountain
Teammates, Mother Remember 'ChokingGame' Victim
"Every mother I talk to, it's the same thing, funny loving, no trouble."
Adam Janssen
The school resource officers from the Miami County
Sheriff’s Department are so concerned about the recurrence of the choking game, that they have put together a brochure
for students, parents and teachers
Campaign To Focus On Choking Game Dangers
KDKA Pittsburgh - Mar 02 12:57 PM Just last month a 13-year-old
from Mount Lebanon died from asphyxiation by hanging – apparently while playing something called the choking game;
now the Allegheny County Health Department is working to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Family Awareness Night will bring parents and kids together
Times Herald - 1 hour, 45 minutes ago Boo Crofton lived in Georgia for only one year. But that was long enough for
the Lower Gwynedd woman to discover the event that would inspire Wissahickon School District's annual Family Awareness Night.
Watch this story online (23:43)
Is your child playing the "choking game"? Read the warning signs. MOREREPORTER: Bob McKeownPRODUCER: Morris Karp
Dr. Andrew Macnab, distinguished scholar,
Peter Wall Institute, published the first study about "the choking game" and suspects that it's more common than we think.
Dr. Thomas Andrew had two deaths that he believes were due to "the choking game" within six weeks.
Samuel Mordecai played "the choking game" with his brother who later died because of it.
Daniel and Thomas Fortin played the "choking game". Thomas (right) was playing alone the day he died.
Sharron Grant created a website to educate other families about the "choking game.". Sharron
Grant is a Canadian mother whose son Jesse died April 23, 2005 after playing the choking game. She has created a website called
Deadly Games Children Play to educate parents, children, medical examiners, and school officals about they dangers of the choking game.
WLBZ Bangor - Mar 19 6:44 PM
New Hamphisre's chief medical examiner is warning young people
about a very dangerous game that is gaining popularity. It's called the choking game.
phillyburbs.com - 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
An expert says parents must talk to their kids frankly about sex.
phillyburbs.com - 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
David Taylor Jr. was found hanged to death in what authorities say was the “unintentional
consequence” of
By Gina Kim -- Bee Staff Writer Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, March 12, 2006
A photograph of Gabe, right, and Sam, when the twins were 10 is displayed on Sam's bulletin board in
remembrance of his brother.
The Sacramento Bee - Mar 12 4:08 AM
It's during the most routine moments that Sarah Pacatte thinks of her son
Guardian Unlimited - Mar 06 7:05 PM
Several states warn parents that 'choking game', in which a belt or a tie is used to cut off the
oxygen to the brain, can be fatal
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Mar 11 9:34 PM
A 1988 U.S. Supreme Court ruling makes it legal in many cases for
school officials to block publication of a student article in the high school newspaper.
phillyburbs.com - Mar 04 7:16 AM
What kids see as a harmless high has become a deadly game.
Health officials warn about 'choking game'
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Mar 01 9:27
PM The Allegheny County Health Department will form
a committee to help stop kids from playing the "choking game" after the asphyxiation death of a Mt. Lebanon teenager in February
KPRC Click2Houston.com via Yahoo! News - Feb
28 7:54 PM
You may have heard about it and believe your child isn't doing it.
But the choking game is spreading coast-to-coast, killing kids of all ages, KPRC Local 2 reported Tuesday.