Includes Pre- and Post-Tests
Running Time: 19 minutes
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Includes: Video or DVD, teacher's resource book and student handouts
here for online preview: QuickTime Windows Media Player
This program exposes “the choking game”…a shockingly foolish and deadly activity among
9-14 year olds that has resulted in the tragic deaths of children across the country. Through interviews with children who
have participated in the “game”, siblings and parents of children who have died, and experts and physicians, young
viewers get the straight and alarming facts about just how dangerous this “game” is. One young teen describes
his personal experiences with the “game” and how his twin brother Gabriel died from it in an attempt to get high
without drugs. Dr. Thomas Andrew, a medical examiner, describes what actually happens to the brain when the blood flow gets
cut off causing brain damage and possible death. A parent describes and details the tragic death of her son in an attempt
to prevent others from the same fate. Gives young viewers information explaining the difference between healthy and dangerous
risk taking.