Gabriel .... My little boy...I miss you Gabe! |
Gabriel is the little guy far left, my hand is on him, Sam is next to the devil.... |
My son Gabriel Harry Mordecai died on May 6, 2005 at the age of 13 years. Gabriel
played a game and lost.This game goes by many names: Black Out, Pass Out, Choking, Fainting, Strangle, Flatline, California
High, Funky Chicken and Space Monkey to name a few. If you are reading this, please send this message on; Please spread the
dangers of this game; Our schools need to implement a program into one of it's existing programs on thrill seeking behavior,
such as drug abuse and illicit sex. They teach our kids not to share needles, where to get birth control..They can teach them
not to hold their breath!
Lives are being saved.. Pray and DEMAND the
media STOPS saying "new' and recent," instead DEMAND they start saying Kids Have Been
Dying As A Result Of This Choking Game for decades !
This game has thrived on ignorance. Some think that if you introduce a child to 'something'
you are opening a can of worms, giving them ideas. I say better your ideas are given than that of another who knows how to
play this game. Beware people, kids teach kids this game; those kids teach other kids! I played this game when I was 11-12
years old! I did not like it; however I did try it more than once in the hopes of liking it.
42 years of age is a heck of a time to learn the physiological effects of lack of oxygen to the human body. I wish I had known
that some kids become addicted to this asphyxiation game, that this was a practice that has and continues to kill our children.
Each and Every state needs to re-evaluate, at their OWN cost each and every single 'death' of an adolescent who's death has
been classified 'suicide' or 'auto erotic asphyxia, by strangulation, or aspyxiation. There are five things that are
looked for when looking at the possibility classifying a death as suicide or AeA: I bet, I KNOW these five signs were and
are not met, on many of these deaths. I know many of these classifications have been made based only the on the childs
body position when found. Many times the family is not even spoken with! IE, the childs being found as hanging,
These officials, Medical Examiners (ME's) and Coroners need to suck it up here, to
bite the bullet and admit their pre mature classification on thousands and thousands of these wrongly classified deaths. There
is no way that this should be able to be ignored any longer. Every single retired teacher, counselor, adiministrator, ME,
Coroners, law enforcement employees who are hearing of this current 'outbreak' and this is jarring their memories, well let's
hope they have integrity and will do the right thing..Talk about it, FIX IT! Go and give some of these
families who think their child has killed themselves some peace! Let them have the oppurtunity to re visit their childs friends,
ask questions!
Samuel 13, Arthur 18, Elizabeth 21, and Gabriel 13
Samuel,Arthur, Elizabeth and Gabriel under his Sissy's arm
Gabriel Harry Mordecai July
31, 1991~May 6, 2005
We miss you Gabe; We will never stop and we will always know that you are one of us, every day of every year that we are
alive. Gabriel Harry, you are my boy, my son, I still have the need and instinct to be your Mom, to take care of you. It will
never go away, I will never stop being and needing to be your Mom ster. How special you always are. God bless you lil' man
of mine..
Loving you, oh so much, Mom, Sissy Bear, Arthur and Samuel ....
Oh, and if you happen to be a Coroner, ME, EMT or police
officer who is reading this? I want to plant a seed.. try this: If a child playing this game, falls or lands differently
than they thought they would, and if they were SITTING on their BUNK BED, do you think it is POSSIBLE
that they, at the time of unconsiousnes, FELL, ROLLED OR SLID OFF THE BED? NOT JUMPED?
That ME in North Carolina really blew it when he said he knew Bryson meant to kill
himself; that if Bryson hadn't meant to he would have had an emergency device, that he would not have jumped off the bunk
bed. Oh my goodness... Bryson was 12 years old! How tall is that ceiling in Bryson's room? How much did Bryson
weigh? How tall was Bryson? How sturdy was that bunk bed set? Bryson's death
was classified as a suicide and the ME - Coroner never interviewed the family! Are you kidding me?
Did the media and any other STATE OFFICIAL WHO HEARD THIS not have a problem with it? Yes, someone has started looking into
North Carolina ... Bryson.
This is anything but a new trend. The new trend should now be, Officials
do their jobs with INTEGRITY and save lives; They do not dismiss due to their ignorance.
They acknowledge that 'UNKNOWN' or 'PENDING' are options when classifying deaths!